Thank you for trying out this demo of Macromedia SoundEdit 16. This demo is fully functional with the exception of two key areas:
Ñ You cannot save or export your files
Ñ The Automator (the new SoundEdit 16 batch processor) is not included with the demo. The Automator is great for converting hundreds of audio files. You can easily change bit depth, sample rate, file type, compression, downsampling options and more.
Installing and Running SoundEdit 16
Working with QuickTime Movies
Working with IMA-Compressed Files
Working with Other Applications
Contacting Macromedia
Installing and Running SoundEdit 16
- Before installing SoundEdit 16, make sure GateKeeper and any other anti-virus software is turned off. If anti-virus software is on during installation, installed files might be corrupted.
-After installing SoundEdit 16 on a Power Macintosh with virtual memory turned off, check the RAM partition in the finder. Do this by clicking once on the application and choosing Get Info from the File menu. Should you need to lower the RAM requirements, you can set the Minimum size to 6000K.
- Do not change the name of the Xtras folder. Otherwise, SoundEdit 16 might not load some of the Xtras.
- If you╒re having problems starting SoundEdit 16, try deleting the following files from the Preferences folder: SoundEdit 16 MOA cache file, SoundEdit 16 version 2 Preferences file, and the SoundEdit 16 Automator Preferences file.
- Some screensavers may interfere with SoundEdit 16 processing. To alleviate this problem, disable the screensaver or set the time the screensaver is activated to a longer interval.
- Use the Macintosh Sound control panel to change default input and output devices. The SoundEdit Recording Options dialog box only changes settings on the current input device.
- When you run SoundEdit 16 in the background, the Levels window stays open, allowing you to see levels while adjusting an external device. If you do not want the Levels window to appear during background processing, close it.
- Changes made in the Resource editor are written to disk on the fly. Do not edit your system resources directly. Always work on a copy.
- If your system selection color is set to black, you may see artifacts in your SoundEdit waveforms. These do not affect the audio data in any way. For Information on resetting system selection color, consult the documentation that came with your Macintosh.
Working with QuickTime Movies
- Editing the soundtrack of a QuickTime movie located on a server can result in the loss of video when the movie is opened on a local machine. To avoid this problem, edit the file locally.
- When QuickTime movies with uneven frame rates are overlaid with dialog boxes or alert messages, they may be improperly redisplayed. To correct this problem, click on the Finder to run SoundEdit 16 in background. When SoundEdit 16 is brought back, the QuickTime movie is displayed properly.
Working with IMA-compressed Files
- Scrolling through IMA-compressed files can take time. If you need to scroll through an IMA-compressed file, choose Tape from the Wave Style submenu on the View menu. You can also insert cue points into the file and navigate to different locations using them.
- Importing IMA .WAV files into IMA-compressed AIFF files may corrupt both files. We recommend decompression of the files before import or export to or from IMA .WAV.
Working with Other Applications
- Some applications add a small noise at the beginning of a SoundEdit 16 file. To remove this noise, open and save the SoundEdit 16 file in the application which adds the noise.
Contacting Macromedia
You can contact Macromedia by phone, fax, or by online services. The following section lists the different methods of reaching Macromedia.
Macromedia's 24-hour fax information line provides instant access to Macromedia's products and services. In the United States and Canada, call 1 800 499 3329. From elsewhere, call +1 415 863 4409.
Technical Support:
You can reach technical support at the following numbers:
Technical Support fax: 415 703 0924
Technical Support phone: 415 252 9080
Online Services:
Information about SoundEdit 16 is available in Macromedia's forums on CompuServe, America Online, Microsoft Network, and also at various sites on the Internet.
CompuServe: To reach the Macromedia forum on CompuServe, use the command Go Macromedia. On CompuServe, we provide message areas for discussion of multimedia development and support of our products, as well as libraries that contain useful utilities and examples--including drivers, models, DLLs, and XCMDs.
America Online: In the United States, to reach the Macromedia forum on America Online, use the keyword Macromedia. On America Online, we provide message areas for discussion of multimedia development and support of our products, as well as libraries that contain useful utilities and examples--including drivers, models, DLLs, and XCMDs.
Microsoft Network: To reach the Macromedia forum on Microsoft Network, use the command Goto Macromedia. On Microsoft Network, we provide message areas for discussion of multimedia development and support of our products, as well as libraries that contain useful utilities and examples--including drivers, models, DLLs, and XCMDs.
World Wide Web: You╒re invited to explore the news, resources, and services from the source and center of multimedia: Macromedia. Macromedia╒s URL is